Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Facebook Content Ideas

How many times a day should I post on Facebook?

Experts may try to answer this for you, but I say there is no answer.  You don't want to post to often, especially as a business.  I have removed many a business from my timeline because they post so much it's all I see.  (Friends too....=), but don't tell them I said that.)  But, you want to post enough that you stay top of mind and relevant for your fans.  You also don't want to post, simply for the sake of posting.  If you don't have anything to say or share, don't!

What should I post to Facebook?

My biggest advice here it to be a resource to people.  Share stuff they can learn from and as cheesy as it sound, stuff they will think is cool.  90% of the content you post needs to be engaging rather than promotional.  10% can be used for direct promotions.  Pictures and videos are eye catching and highly recommended to accompany your post!

How do I measure the success of my posts?

See our previous post here on a great way to measure your reach!

Quick ideas for content:

  • Read other blogs- see what is trending and put your own spin on it.
  • Answer a frequently asked question
  • Put together a video
  • Interview an expert- this can even be someone in your company.
  • Ask a question - open ended or a poll
  • Share a post or article that relates to your business.  Be a resource!
  • Say thank you or celebrate your fans and customers.
  • Share a quote
  • Write a 5 ways etc.
What ideas do you have for content?



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