Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where to Create a Network

Now that we have talked about how and why let’s talk about where to network. I recommend asking a coworkers or friends what networking they enjoy attending and see if I can join them. Trust me it’s always easier to attend your first event with someone you already know. Other options include doing a quick internet search for specialized networks in your industry. I work with a lot of weddings so I attend 2-3 different networking groups that focus exclusively on that market. However, I also attend other networking groups that focus on the business community as a whole. I like to keep my networking diversified but consistent.  A few of the resources I use in the area include:

The Local Chamber of Commerce

Here in Portland, Oregon we have the Portland Alliance that offers many different networking events and opportunity’s to connect and give back to the business community.

Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world. This is a great resource especially for small business owners. I’ve attended a few different groups in my area for small business owners and love them. They are small groups focused on sharing knowledge, support and meeting other passionate business owners.

Women Entrepreneurs of Oregon

WEO is the premier organization for women entrepreneurs in Oregon. We motivate and inspire our members to build, grow, and strengthen their businesses through an unprecedented connection to community and high impact professional resources.

Business Network International

BNI provides a positive, supportive, structured environment to exchange quality business referrals. BNI is the largest business networking organization in the world. We offer members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly, business referrals.

Oregon Entrepreneur Network

The Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN) is the heart of our entrepreneurial community, fostering innovation, growth, success, and giving back. Find out more about how OEN helps startups from all walks of life around the state.

Happy Networking,


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