Erin Wissig
Job: Senior Event Planner and Sales Manager
Communications: Co-Owner focused in event planning and organization
5:30 AM
of bed and to the gym. Or, if not a gym day, I go for a walk with my husband
and our dog Brody, around the neighborhood. I know if I don’t work out in
the morning it won’t happen. I never have the energy to go in the evenings. I
find more excuses than sand on a beach. However when I work out in the mornings
I find it’s a great jumpstart to my day.
7:30 AM
I’m out the door and on my way to the office.
8:00 AM
my day job I work out of an office, so by now I’ve said a mostly cheerful hello
to my coworkers and then I’m at my desk in front of the computer. I check
emails and voicemails, double check my files and calendar for my daily
appointments and jump into my day. In addition to planning, I also sell events
and work with our marketing department to plan our tradeshows.
11:00 AM
days are never the same, so an array of items could be on the agenda, but I
typically try to use the morning for following up on events that happened the
previous day/evening, responding to emails, voicemails and attending internal
meetings. I also usually have one planning meeting. The event planning is the real
heart of what I do and love, there is so much work that goes on behind the
scenes of an event than most people realize. Anyone who has ever hosted a
party knows what I mean. It’s more than just coming up with creative
ideas, planning an event requires research, timelines, contracts, negotiations,
and a lot of patience. Due to the number of events I plan and all the paperwork
and follow-up details I restrict my planning meetings to no more than two per
day. This allows me to keep follow-up on my events currently happening while
still keeping future events moving forward.
tend to get very involved in my work, so it’s common to lose track of time. I
try very hard to set things aside and take a break. I always leave the office
and make sure I get something to eat. A really bad habit I had for years was
eating my meals in front of the computer and getting a little extra work done.
However I always felt tired and grumpy on the days I didn’t step away. So, I
know longer take lunch at my desk. It’s a huge step in creating a positive
habit for myself.
a big fan of lunch meetings so I usually schedule at least two working lunches
a week for my consulting work. The other days I will either enjoy lunch with a
coworker or have a quiet lunch to write down ideas or to do lists.
1:00 PM
You will find me back at my desk. I do a quick email and voicemail check
and get ready for my afternoon. Usually it’s a combination of another planning
meeting and data entry. A couple days a month they also include:
Tours: Often times for day’s I plan on touring I tend to schedule more than 1
appointment. It’s much easier to have an afternoon of tours so I can save
my detailed work for a chuck of uninterrupted time. These meetings might be
with a new client, someone I’ve worked with before or one I’m working with
Meetings: I usually try to do these in person. I love getting to meet new
amazing people and working towards a successful partnership. My vendors are my
support team and I can’t tell you how lucky I am to work with these wonderful
people on a regular basis.
home and focused on a bit of family time. We eat dinner, catch up ect…
also pack my lunch for the next day. Because I have a horrible habit of eating
out way to much I try to pack a lunch at least 3 days a week. It cuts down on
my spending and empty calories. Another positive habit I’m trying to make stickJ
I have a networking event family time usually gets pushed back a few hours and
we enjoy a late dinner and catch up on our favorite T.V. shows online.
never seems to be enough time in the day, so it’s not uncommon for my husband
and I to return to our computers for a bit after dinner. I’m naturally a night
owl and get some of my best work done after dark. I’m usually working on my
consulting projects, writing blog posts and perusing pinterest for fun ideas
for my next party or event. The husband is usually elbow deep in engineering
10:30 PM
I’m in bed. I would love to stay up later but if I’m going to have a
chance in he-double-hockey-sticks of making it to the gym (a positive habit) I
have to make sure I’m in bed with no electronics. Speaking of the time it looks
like I need to wrap this up and get to bed.
What I hope you were able to take away from a day in my life:
planning isn’t just about being creative. It also takes strong
organizational skills – maybe even a little obsessiveness. It is very easy to
get burnt out, so I highly suggest no matter what your industry you focus on
setting positive personal habits. Once you’ve established those just keep
takes a lot of hard work to build a business and good habits will help you have
the energy to succeed.
few great resources I love!
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