Here's a fun one to get you warmed up!
When I was younger, I wanted to be a(n) _______________________________________.
But, I could never wear ________________________________________ all day long.
(article of clothing)
Now get to work!
Generate a story on __________________________________ in ____________________________.
(topic) (media outlet)
Convey ___________________ in _________ of media stories, broadcast segments or blog posts.
(message) (number)
__________ percent of stories influenced by ______________________ to score ________________.
(number) (your organization) (target point range)
Then come up with a point system to evaluate each PR success. Here are some things you can use to measure each:
- key message - was it included?
- positioning
- placement
- prominence
- tone
- story type
- shared/sole mention
- media tier
- photos/visuals
- contact information included
- quote
- quality of comments/reader response
- proactive vs. reactive
- how was the coverage initiated?
Need help? Let us know!
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