Friday, August 23, 2013

Bringing it Home with Pinterest

I've talked about how to create the perfect pin and then how to measure your successful pins, now here are my quick tips to bring it home.  Then you are on your own and I am moving on to LinkedIn next week.  I kid!  Let me know if you need/want help!  Pinterest is one I quickly became addicted to and I would love to spread the addiction.

Create boards for your products and services. (And some that have nothing to do with them!)

A separate board for each.  Include your own original pins and pins that compliment these items to create even more utility for your followers.  Then...put together some boards that may just be interesting to you, or you think might be interesting for a follower.  (Ex.  I pin for an event venue, so I put together some boards that are just for themes someone could potentially do for an event.  They are some of our most pinned.)

Make your pins viral

Share them on all your other social media sights too!  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, get the idea!

Make sure your website is optimized for Pinterest

Remember people Pin things they see EVERYWHERE on the internet.  So, make it easy for people to pin stuff directly from your site.  Anything in Flash can not be pinned, and a lot of Jacascript image preview tools block the ability to pin.

Add a "Pin It" button

To your website, products, images, blog posts, etc.

Happy Pinning!


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