Monday, July 22, 2013

The Four Agreements

Early in my career I was given a book called "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.  It is a "practical guide to personal freedom" and it is truly on the of the only books I took notes in my journal (pre-blogging days) about and still re-read to this day.  He basically give you four agreements that if you make with yourself and agree to follow, the little things won't matter and you will find peace within yourself.  Sounds so incredibly cheesy and trust me I am not one to go down the self help book aisle.  But, these agreements made sense to me.  So, here they are in a nut shell and you can check out and buy the full book here.  PS - you can get it as an audio book too.  I did and listened to it in my car during my fabulous commute!

Be impeccable with your word.

Speak with integrity and say only what you mean.  Avoid using your words to speak against yourself or others.  Some of the people I have come across and admired the most are the ones who speak their mind and just tell it like it is.  Why beat around the bush?  No one has time for that.  And then my Mom would say, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"

Don't take anything personally.

Nothing others do is because of you.  What others say and do is a projection of their own reality or circumstances.  When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be a victim of needless suffering.  Easier said than done, I know!  But I have found this to be especially helpful in the workplace.  I have no idea what some of my co-workers are going through at home, so their getting angry at me or someone else at work is not always what's going on at work.

Don't make assumptions.  

I will go completely non "PC" here and say what I mean.  When you assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".  Find the courage to ask questions and on the other hand express what you really want.  Don't assume people can read through the lines on either side.  This will be helpful in your career and personal life.  After being married to my husband for 7 years now, I have learned I have to flat out tell him to take the trash out....I can't just complain that it stinks or looks like it's getting full.

Always do your best.

Your best is going to change from moment to moment.  When I am sick, or get hurt like from my big fall a couple weeks ago, it slows me down a bit and I am not able to give it my best like when I am healthy.  But, if I am putting in 100% of what I can it helps me avoid judging myself (which we can be our biggest critics!) and regretting not being able to get done all that I can.  



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