Impact or Consequence
Events that have an impact on your readers, or real consequences in their lives. The greater the impact the bigger the story.
The reason reality television exists. We love conflict; we are naturally drawn to it. Without conflict there would be no literature or drama. Conflict is what propels the human drama.
Loss of Life/Property Description
Here is hoping that neither of these things ever happen around or to your business. However the old saying "if it bleeds, it leads" is true.
The event or story needs to be close to the readers. This is incredibly true for small businesses. The New York times may not care that you are having an open house next week and people can win free stuff, but if your business is in Hillsboro - the Argus may be interested.
Are people involved in your story or event famous or prominent? If so, the story becomes more newsworthy. Could be local politicians, celebrities, athletes or CEO's - anyone in the public eye.
In the news business we tend to focus on what is happening this day, this hour, this minute. So events or stories happening in the now are newsworthy. Currency also applies in the category - does it have more than one occurrence that would keep the interest of an audience?
Another saying I learned in journalism school, "When a dog bites a man, no one cares. When the man bites back - now there's a news story." The idea is that any deviation from the normal, expected course of events is something novel and therefore newsworthy.
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