Monday, March 18, 2013

Social Media: 5 Easy Ways to Engage with Your Audience

For those of us who spend most of our day in front of the computer, it has become very clear that social media has created a tremendous opportunity for small businesses to engage directly with customers.  Not only are we reaching people in our direct networks, but this platform gives us the opportunity to reach the world.  Our target audience can keep up with our developments, but it allows small businesses to follow their customers and help them understand what motivates, interests and engages these people.

When limited budget is a concern, how can you increase the size of your audience?  Where can you focus and more importantly engage them?

1.  If you talk to everyone, you talk to no one.  Prior to randomly posting or tweeting, spend some time understanding who is listening to your message and tailor your content to them.  Sending the right message to the right audience via the right channel is more an art than a science and you will find at times it may take some trial and error.

2.  Quality over Quantity is key.  I prefer to read one Twitter message or Facebook post that matters versus 10 that don't make any difference and are just fluff.  We are all aware of the speed at which information moves down the newsfeed and there is a delicate balance of not posting enough and getting buried or posting too much to annoying your audience.  My suggestion is to post two to four times a day to stay top of mind.  But, in the same sense, if you don't have anything of value to share - then don't.

3.  Follow the 90/10 rule.  90% of the content you post needs to be engaging rather than promotional.  10% can be used for direct promotions.  You can only engage if you know whom you are talking to.

4.  Be consistent and responsive.  If your followers are taking the time to engage, make sure you continue the conversation.  Respond to their posts, even if you just "like" it.  This is especially important if someone has responded negatively or with a complaint.  Not only may you have the chance to win back this customer with your service, but your other fans will see that you are making the effort as well.  (Side note: if things get escalated from your efforts, take the conversation off line to resolve)

5.  Images and video have 40% higher engagement rate than just posts.  Humans by nature are visual creatures - something Pinterest has capitalized on.  Make an effort to accompany your post with an image or video. Videos should be less than 90 seconds long (or posted to You Tube).


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