Do: Learn Your Material - Take the time to commit your material to memory. An educated speaker is worth paying attention to, and will keep the audience engaged.
Don't: Read from the Slides - Nothing is more boring that a presenter using their slides as a script. Show them your shinning personality and do not do an impression of that teacher from Ferris Beuller's Day off!
Do: Know the Machine - Technical issues can seriously derail your presentation. Spend some quality time with the equipment you will be using to avoid embarrassing surprises on presentation day.
Don't: Assume the Machine - being surprised by a last minute technical issue can be a deal killer. And not all machines are created equally.
Do: Tell them a Story - Whether it's how to slay dragons or an online analytical report, get your idea across by telling a story. Relate it to real life with a clear beginning, middle and end to help your audience pick up on the key points.
Don't: Get Too Far Off Topic - Make your content relatable, and be sure it is going to support your overall goal as the presenter. Keep it interesting without forcing it.
Do: Keep it Simple - One powerful line of text and a great image may be all you need to get the point across.
Don't: Overdo It - Please do not write word for word what you are doing to say on your slides. That do no one any good! Focus of key details and start a discussion.
Do: Use Visual Help - It is proven that a great visual can help people associate the knowledge that goes along with it.
Don't: Get too wordy - Big words, terms and jargon are all things that will help loose people.
Other good tips -
May your presentation available after the live version. Whether you email it to them or they can download it from somewhere. This way people don't feel they have to write it down while you are speaking. Key point - tell them it will be available at the beginning of your presentation.
Give them your contact information. Some of the best presentations I have been to, I have been able to carry on the conversation after the meeting. Make yourself available by sharing your email, Facebook, twitter, and phone number. If not all of the above choose the ones that work best for your communication style.
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